Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Tongue twisters is a phrase or sentence which is hard to speak fast, usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. It helps develop speech skills and helps in speech therapy.

To get the full effect of a tongue twister you should try to repeat it several times, as quickly as possible, without stumbling or mispronouncing.

Here are some cool English tongue twisters, have fun guyz (n_n)

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

I saw a saw that could cut saw any other saw I ever saw.

Betty botter bought some butter, but she said “this butter’s bitter! But a bit of better butter will make my butter better”. So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better.

Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?

A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.

2 komentar:

Rena Irmayani mengatakan...

So hardly..
Cuek, jadi inget miss yulia lh..

Cuex  親切光 mengatakan...


miss yuliaaa,, iya yaaa, setaun sudah tag pnah lagi jumpa ama miss yuliaaa .. >.<
uda cantiik, ramping, manis, proporsional, modis, jago bhs inggrs, kul di luar negeriii,,, huaaaaaa,,,

hahahha,, susahh ya ren, qmi juga. tepelekok rasanya lidah qt... nantikan part 3 nya yaaaa, hahahahahh XD

ayo olahraga Lidah !!!!

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