1) apa nama akun loe itu di FB ?
NuruL Cuex Analyzer
2) Kenapa loe pake nama akun loe itu di FB ?
uniq aja
3) Nama asli loe sapa ?
NuruL Husna S
4) Kapan loe lahir ?
09 september 1991 *makin hari makin tua*
5) dimana loe lahir ?
d Rumah Sakit tepatnya, masak di sungai
6) Tujuan hidup ?
raih kesuksesan dunia akherat :)
7) Punya gebetan/pacar ?
8) Gimana hub loe ma ortu ?
kasiih ibu sepanjang masa,,,
7) Kalo seharian di humz, ngapain aja ?
tidur, makan, nntn drama korea jpg yg tertunda, singgah ke webpage menarik, donlotan
8) Kenapa ?
yaaa seru buat seru seruaan laaa~
9) Apa tanggapan loe tentang bencana yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini? (2010-2011)
Astaghfirullaaaaaah,, ade ade aje, pohon tumbang bs nancep lg di tanah dgn sendirinya.. >.<
10) Wallpaper Hape loe ?
saat ini white background
11) Wallpaper Kompie loe?
kompie? hohoho suami gue Jejung donkz,, hihihi
12) Lagu yang paling sering loe dengerin bulan nie ?
banyak. slh satunya SNSD - visual dream , ost secret garden n ost my gf is gumiho
13) Napa ?
nendang aja di telinga gue :D
14) Loe nemuin duit 10 juta di jalan, yang loe lakuin ?
mikir dulu~ secara gue ini orgnya tu-la-lit
15) Nilai ulangan terbaik loe seumur hidup ?
16) Pelajaran ?
matematik, fisika, kimia, bhs inggrs, bhs indo, pkn,
17) Pelajaran fav ?
matematik n bhs ingrs
18) Pelajaran yang loe benci ?
yg berhubungan dg sosial
19) Punya phobia ?
ada ..
20) Kalo iya,, ma apa ?
kegelapan n ketinggian
21) Alasan loe ?
yaaa ngeri ajaa
22) Cara loe ngatasin phobia loe ?
kl uda di gedong tinggi yaaa jgn liad kebawah
23) Jam berapa loe kerjain ini?
setengah 5 pagi
24) Tau 'lemon' ?
iyaaaaaaaa tauuu,, jadi?
25) Suka?
lemon asli ga,, tp kl uda dicampur ama apaaaa gitu, suka bgt malah
26) Suka anime/manga?
dua-duanya.. ga bs milih~
27) Apa aja ?
yg penting pic nya bgs n cerita nya real life , ga yg magic2 gitu
28) Alasan menyukai anime/manga tu apaan ?
cowok2nya cakeeeeeep, imuuuuuuut, ganteeeeeeng
29) Menurut loe, loe tu kayak gimana ?
imut polos lugu cantik manis baek rajin kl lg mudnya, hihihhi ~
29) Dewa Mitologi Yunani yang paleng loe suka ?
gw ga punya resep ilmu ttg dewa2 yunani
30) Kenapa ?
yaa krn gw ga pengen tau aja
31) Mau pergi ke mana ?
ga kemana-mana, mau nyelesein ni pertanyaan, masii ad 69 pertanyaan lg :p
32) Tempat nongkrong ?
my mini room~
33) Suka Justin Bieber ?
Ga.. ga kenal tuuuch. kenalin doonks, hahahah
34) Suka boyband-boyband Korea ?
35) Suka band Jepang ?
36) Kalo artis barat ?
GA titik
37) Capek ?
not really
38) klw iya..
39) Pijet'in,, donk !!
eeeee~ ga malu dia.. salah yg minta mijit niii.
40) Lanjut aja dah !!
buruan !
41) Pengalaman masa kecil loe yang tak terlupakan ?
kesasar. seru abis
42) Riwayat pendidikan ?
TK perwanida. MIN I BNA, MTsn I BNA, MAN MODEL BNA, Universitas SYiah Kuala, Program Studi Psikologi .. next?
43) Dah punya KTP ?
uda. gile aja belom.
44) Bisa main alat musik apa ?
recorder (itupun krn pas MTsn belajar), piano (ga mahir2 bgt)
45) Pengen belajar alat musik apa ?
biola n gitar
46) Pengen jadi artis ?
mikir2 dulu.. :O
47) Kenapa?
yaaa pengen mikir2 dulu aja
48) Mau jadi apa kelak ?
49) Profesi ?
mahasiswi, anak ketiga, asisten mamak.
50) Orang yang paling loe sayang di dunia ?
Allah & kekasih-Nya, mamakMOMMY, bapakDADDY, kakca, kakyu, ias, makyek, abusyik harun, abusyik sulaiman, icut, opi, ika, cyntia, ash, ulil, ola, yuyun, fira, maulidar, julia, ara, desi, dara, rahmah, ibu hilal, fajrina, sofia, yuli, tari, dedep, safra, ulfa, fina, kk juza, yati, umi, lia, umai, gina, rahmalia, silvana, ayu, weni, rena, nyanyak, debi, deka, diana, kk dina, kiki, nihra, siska, patimah, rahmi, resti reza, sheila. tiara, una, uswah, nanda, huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ banyaaaaak.. maav yg ga kesebut, bukan maksud hati utk lupa...hehhehh
51) Orang yang paling loe benci ?
kawannya setan
52) Impian terbesar loe ?
masuk surga tanpa singgah ke neraka dulu
53) Penyakit yang paling sering loe derita ?
Bersin2 *hatchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
54) Penyakit yang paling loe takut'i ?
yang membawa ke arah kematian >.<
55) Kenangan terburuk ?
56) Apa yang pengen loe punya sekarang ?
hape nokia N 93 n modem venus VT 18 Evdo >.<
57) Suka masuk skul ato liburan ?
ehm..Libur donkz, hiihihi
58) Setuju kalo UAN dihapus ?
kl gue si terserah.
59) Napa ?
ad bole , ga ad juga bole. gue anteng2 aja ..
60) Mainan yang paling loe suka waktu kecil ?
pokar pasang *sebutannya si itu*
61) Suka baca buku ?
suka banget
62) Buku apa ?
buku yg ringan2 aja tulisannya, ga berat2.. hahahahh
63) Judul buku fav ? Pengarang ?
banyak,, writer: ilana tan, torrey hayden, many more
64) Barang fav ?
yg imuut2 *ga nahan gue sama yg imut2* >.<
65) Ikut ekskul apa ?
sanggar nari pas di SMA
66) Kalo Tuhan ngijinin loe berubah jadi seseorang, pengen brubah jadi sapa ?
gue yg sekarang tapi yaaaa perlu perbaikan disana sini laaa. ehheheheh
67) Yang dilakuin kalo ortu marah ma loe ?
diem aja, dengerin baek2 ocehan2 beliau2.. *gue anak patuh ya?*
68) Orang yang paleng pengen loe mata-matain ?
i hv no much time to do something useless like that .. sorry
69) Napa ?
ga penting banget ~
70) Warna fav ?
71) Huruf fav ?
72) Angka fav ?
73) Alasan loe milih warna, huruf, ma angka itu ?
terlalu indah dan sulit untuk diungkapkan :p
74) Pernah punya pacar ?
Ga.. [!]
75) Berapa ?
yaelaaaaaaa. uda dibilangin ga punya... NoL
76) First kiss umur brapa ?
naaaah,, ini lebih2 lagi.. lanjott
77) Sama ?
kl itu ntar2 aj de yaa.. tunggu punya suami resmi dulu... ahhahaha *loe ngebet bgt si*
78) Yang loe lakuin kalo lagi stress ?
do something refresh
79) Punya saudara brapa ?
80) Sapa aja ?
kakak pertama yg cerewet bgt = kak icha
kakak kedua yg kl putus, lgsg ad pengganti yg laen = kak ayu
adek cowo yang sumpah de, gombal abis = ias
81) Pernah pidato ?
pernah, pas kls 2 MTsN.
82) Tentang ?
hhahaha. lupa.. wktu itu cm pidato tuk dpt nilai agama... heheheh
83) Perasaan loe saat pertama kali pidato ?
keringatan abisss
84) Berhasil ?
diliat dr nilai nya yaaaaa berhasiill.. ehehheeh
85) Merk Hape ?
nokia. *sll di wanti2 ama bapakDADDY*
86) Ngidem Hape merk apa ? Tipe ?
Nokia N - 93
87) Lebih suka mana ? Lapie ato Kompie ?
88) kenapa?
89) Yang paling sering loe makan, slain nasi ?
mie instan kali yeee
90) Yang pengen loe donlot tapi lum kesampaian ?
banyak banget... apalagi F***H lambat abis.. kudu ganti ke S***T niii,, fiuuuh --"
91) Pengen ngapain sekarang ?
89) Wah !! Dah 89 !! Gw baru nyadar !!
akhirnyaaaa. buruaan, masiih ada 11 pertanyaan lg niii *ngomel2*
92) Punya dendam ma sapa ?
ga sempat punya dendam
93) Napa ?
dendam makan hati, kalo hati gw dimakan ama dendam, laaaah mati donk gw. ga sempat ketemu n nikah ama Jejung. kwkkwkwkw
94) Orang yang paling loe pengen temui ?
haaaaaaah,, panjang umur, br aja diomongin,,, JEJUNG.. hihihi :D
95) Yang ingin loe sampaikan ke pemerintah ?
BEASISWA , gw butuh banget. n kasus si gayus dan se-spesiesnya mohon segera dituntaskan. puyeng gw nntn berita.. ga ada tenang2nya dikitpun ~
96) Suka bikin cerita ?
ga terlalu. gw sukanya nge blog sambil numpahin omelan2.. hihihi
97) Crita apa ?
gw ga suka bikin cerita titik
98) Tanggapan loe tentang ni note ?
akhirnyaaaaaa~ 2 lagi.. kelar
99) Udahan ya ?!
harusnya gw yg bilang udahan :p~
100) Bye !! doakan saya ya ?
--" insya Allah. ga janji .. (-_-)zZZ
those question that i get is based on Miita`s question on FB..
the answer is my own version ^_________________^
100 PertanyaaN iseNg-isenNg an (n_n)
Senin, 24 Januari 2011
Diposting oleh
Cuex 親切光
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100 quetions about ME~
1.) Name: NURUL HUSNA S . also well known as nurul, y***n, hyunjae, CUEX
2.) Birthdate: September, 9th 1991
3.) Address: Someplace in Aceh
4.) Blood type: O
5.) Height: 149 cm * 2 years later, it wiil be 170 cm , hihihih*
6.) Weight: 45 kg
7.) Shoe size: 37 cm
8.) Personality: hm,, i am a low profile, kind hearted.. lol
9.) Dream: To be a professional person, (if i become a psycholog, i ll be professional psycholog. if i become a lecturer, i ll be professional lecturer. and if i become a thief, i ll be professional thief.. hhahhahahah)
10.) Specialties: sleeping, playing around, eating, evaporating, reading, browsing
11.) Hobbies: that you read above is my hobbies.. hahahhaha
12.) My idol: of course prophet MUHAMMAD. but i have many idols like Jejung, yonghwa, sungje, key, kyuhyun, *woow, why my idols is handsome guys?*
13.) Celebrities you likes: a lot. they are my idols from korea and japan
14.) Fav Flower: all of beautiful flowers. dandelion the most one i like ^^
15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: JEJUNG JEJUNG AND JEJUNg (but recently i wanna go out with JOO WON,,, hahhhaha. i like his personality in secret garden drama^^)
16.) Fav. Fruit: since i`d love eating, so i have many. like mango, avocado, jambu, rambutan, durian, etc
17.) People you don like: Someone who always brags about what he/she has
18.) Fav comic and novel book: comic is many many many >.< i am a manga lovers. if it is novel, i'd love to read novels by torren hayden ^^
19.) What I worried about: tumultness, lie
20.) Sleeping out: i can sleep out when i feel soooooooo sleepy because i can sleep everywhere in this situation (-_-)zZZ *let me sleep*
21.) Alcohol tolerance: nope thankz, i am not drinker... hohohoh
22.) First love: First year of JHS
23.) Someone I respect: God, parents, friends, family, teacher
24.) Sport I good at: badminton
25.) Fav song: I have too many
26.) Number of blind dates you gone on: ?? what does it mean?
27.) When I look the best: When I do something perfectly :D
28.) Person I liked the best out of all the people I gone out with: ?hm?
29.) Fav number: 3 and 9
30.) Prized Possession: DAD n MOM
31.) Lowest ranking: 13 as remember as me, :)
32.) Religion: ISLAM.. ^_______________^
33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: OH MY GOD
34.) Fav color: white and blue, that is sky :)
35.) Good thing about myself: nice, cute, friendly, unadorned, simple, smart, funny.hahhaah
36.) Bad thing about myself: LAZY!!! like to sit in safe area
37.) Drinking habits: no, i have already told u that i am not drinker :(
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet?: yeps when i was kid, but now i prefer to sleep... hahhahah
40.) Things I cook well: i cant cook :(
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to SLEEP
42.) Foreign language Im good at: english i think
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: go to the most beautiful place in this world and take the pic
44.) A present I want to give the person I love: i want to give cooking tools to my MOM and shirts to my DAD :D
45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.
46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: i have never BF.
47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
48.) Phone greeting: ??
49.) Ringtone: "munja wa shong munja wa shong"
50.) Caller rings: nokia tone~
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: hoaaaah,, think about to pick up it first
52.) Habits: laying down.
53.) Sleeping habits: I have no walk-sleeping habit :p
54.) What I wearing as of now: white-green T shirt with short sleeves, and green sweatpant.
55.) I want to die when: when i have a little sin. :(
56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to SLEEP
56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: neVA
57.) Where I want surgery: what? nope, i wont do that X(
58.) My charm: ooo i dunno
59.) What people think of me: It all different.
60.) Someone I say a lot: MOM
61.) What Im scared of: SNAKE, WORM
62.) When I was most hurt: When I had an accident a year ago
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents and when i got the best score for my subjects
64.) What I do when Im scared: I pray
65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: i neva do that.
66.) What I do when Im stressed: I listen to music and go to somewhere refresh
67.) What I like to eat when I drink: i eat a lot!!!
68.) What I do when I mad: grumble in my heart and close my teeth up
69.) Things I cant eat: Dog and Pig
70.) Time I get to school: 07.30
71.) Something I want to learn: playing violin
72.) What I do when there is someone I dont like: Ignore them.
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I got the best rank
74.) What I think of money: It doesn grow on trees. NO money YES cry
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: searching for the other guys.. hahhahahh :D
76.) Most recent time I cried: ??
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.
78.) First kiss: NOPE.. i have no~
79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: sorry~
80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.
81.) My most favorite thing I own: BOOKS
82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.
83.) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.
84.) Your monthly allowance: secret,,hohoho
85.) Fav animals: cat, rabbit, butterfly
86.) Fav. Season: Spring and winter
87.) Most memorable date: ?.hm?
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: lowered outlook
90.) Nicknames: cuex
92.) Love is?: fiuuuuuh..love is * i hv no idea right now since i feel so sleepy*
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.
94.) What I don like when I going out with someone: aaaaargh~ i never am going out with some1
95.) What I like the most about myself: my cheek
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.
100.) Last thing you want to say: Im done! I can finally SLEEP (-_-)zZZ
those questions that i get is based JAEJOONG's interview :)
hahahah,, this is my version~
2.) Birthdate: September, 9th 1991
3.) Address: Someplace in Aceh
4.) Blood type: O
5.) Height: 149 cm * 2 years later, it wiil be 170 cm , hihihih*
6.) Weight: 45 kg
7.) Shoe size: 37 cm
8.) Personality: hm,, i am a low profile, kind hearted.. lol
9.) Dream: To be a professional person, (if i become a psycholog, i ll be professional psycholog. if i become a lecturer, i ll be professional lecturer. and if i become a thief, i ll be professional thief.. hhahhahahah)
10.) Specialties: sleeping, playing around, eating, evaporating, reading, browsing
11.) Hobbies: that you read above is my hobbies.. hahahhaha
12.) My idol: of course prophet MUHAMMAD. but i have many idols like Jejung, yonghwa, sungje, key, kyuhyun, *woow, why my idols is handsome guys?*
13.) Celebrities you likes: a lot. they are my idols from korea and japan
14.) Fav Flower: all of beautiful flowers. dandelion the most one i like ^^
15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: JEJUNG JEJUNG AND JEJUNg (but recently i wanna go out with JOO WON,,, hahhhaha. i like his personality in secret garden drama^^)
16.) Fav. Fruit: since i`d love eating, so i have many. like mango, avocado, jambu, rambutan, durian, etc
17.) People you don like: Someone who always brags about what he/she has
18.) Fav comic and novel book: comic is many many many >.< i am a manga lovers. if it is novel, i'd love to read novels by torren hayden ^^
19.) What I worried about: tumultness, lie
20.) Sleeping out: i can sleep out when i feel soooooooo sleepy because i can sleep everywhere in this situation (-_-)zZZ *let me sleep*
21.) Alcohol tolerance: nope thankz, i am not drinker... hohohoh
22.) First love: First year of JHS
23.) Someone I respect: God, parents, friends, family, teacher
24.) Sport I good at: badminton
25.) Fav song: I have too many
26.) Number of blind dates you gone on: ?? what does it mean?
27.) When I look the best: When I do something perfectly :D
28.) Person I liked the best out of all the people I gone out with: ?hm?
29.) Fav number: 3 and 9
30.) Prized Possession: DAD n MOM
31.) Lowest ranking: 13 as remember as me, :)
32.) Religion: ISLAM.. ^_______________^
33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: OH MY GOD
34.) Fav color: white and blue, that is sky :)
35.) Good thing about myself: nice, cute, friendly, unadorned, simple, smart, funny.hahhaah
36.) Bad thing about myself: LAZY!!! like to sit in safe area
37.) Drinking habits: no, i have already told u that i am not drinker :(
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet?: yeps when i was kid, but now i prefer to sleep... hahhahah
40.) Things I cook well: i cant cook :(
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to SLEEP
42.) Foreign language Im good at: english i think
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: go to the most beautiful place in this world and take the pic
44.) A present I want to give the person I love: i want to give cooking tools to my MOM and shirts to my DAD :D
45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.
46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: i have never BF.
47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
48.) Phone greeting: ??
49.) Ringtone: "munja wa shong munja wa shong"
50.) Caller rings: nokia tone~
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: hoaaaah,, think about to pick up it first
52.) Habits: laying down.
53.) Sleeping habits: I have no walk-sleeping habit :p
54.) What I wearing as of now: white-green T shirt with short sleeves, and green sweatpant.
55.) I want to die when: when i have a little sin. :(
56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to SLEEP
56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: neVA
57.) Where I want surgery: what? nope, i wont do that X(
58.) My charm: ooo i dunno
59.) What people think of me: It all different.
60.) Someone I say a lot: MOM
61.) What Im scared of: SNAKE, WORM
62.) When I was most hurt: When I had an accident a year ago
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents and when i got the best score for my subjects
64.) What I do when Im scared: I pray
65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: i neva do that.
66.) What I do when Im stressed: I listen to music and go to somewhere refresh
67.) What I like to eat when I drink: i eat a lot!!!
68.) What I do when I mad: grumble in my heart and close my teeth up
69.) Things I cant eat: Dog and Pig
70.) Time I get to school: 07.30
71.) Something I want to learn: playing violin
72.) What I do when there is someone I dont like: Ignore them.
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I got the best rank
74.) What I think of money: It doesn grow on trees. NO money YES cry
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: searching for the other guys.. hahhahahh :D
76.) Most recent time I cried: ??
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.
78.) First kiss: NOPE.. i have no~
79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: sorry~
80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.
81.) My most favorite thing I own: BOOKS
82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.
83.) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.
84.) Your monthly allowance: secret,,hohoho
85.) Fav animals: cat, rabbit, butterfly
86.) Fav. Season: Spring and winter
87.) Most memorable date: ?.hm?
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: lowered outlook
90.) Nicknames: cuex
92.) Love is?: fiuuuuuh..love is * i hv no idea right now since i feel so sleepy*
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.
94.) What I don like when I going out with someone: aaaaargh~ i never am going out with some1
95.) What I like the most about myself: my cheek
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.
100.) Last thing you want to say: Im done! I can finally SLEEP (-_-)zZZ
those questions that i get is based JAEJOONG's interview :)
hahahah,, this is my version~
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Cuex 親切光
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well,, communication...
language is bridge of communication.
if u wanna go to odd somewhere, will u use body language? how about if u wanna ask about the price of food or cloth or fish or something primer in ur life?
will it work with body language?
i think NOPE. of course we do communication in language..
why english is important?
i am sure that everybody knows about the answer.
english is international language..
even u go to china, japan, republic of hongo, south africa, france, etc , if u can speak english, u can communicate with them. trust me :D
english is everywhere...
well, not the least of our, wanna study overseas.. go abroad..
of course we need ENGLIsH.
even one if the requirements is TOEFL test.
as smart as us, if we cant speak english, that's none..
i said like this is not because i am smart and i can speak english fluently..
i just wanna remind u that english is important nowadays..
wanna realize u..
before it come late..
indeed, there is no words "LATE" to learn everything.
but can u imagine, the longer, we are getting older. and our ability to remember will be more sluggish.
and it's difficult to remember all of wordz in english..
i have the weakness.
i am not capable in speaking..
ooooh.. i dunno ..
if u think english is difficult, it's WRONG OPINION...
dont think about the difficult..
persuade ur mind that english are easy, fun, ok..
u can learn it by movie (choose eng sub, dont indo sub), game, novels, comics, songs, etc...
me, i`d love to learn it by watching korea japan movies or dramas, eng translation lyrics by Japan korea songs, college books (if that one, i am forced :p ), etc.
but, i found one way to learn english is to be subtitle translator..
recently, i am fad to translate a subtitle from Secret Garden-korea drama. it's fun. i found new vocab that i dunno before.
indeed, it's tired, but when i finished it, i try to upload to mediafire before i shared to indowebster forum.
n first, i dunno how to upload it to mediafire,. i juzt do trial n error.. hehehhe..
n finally i can cope it... i am happppppppyyyyy..
and that was the 1st time i shared my subtittle translation in to forum and made it into hidden thankz form.. huaaaaaa~
and my fatigue went when the other visitors clicked button "thanks" to me.. uaaaaa...
really really fun...
i hope u can find ur own fun style to learn english...
language is bridge of communication.
if u wanna go to odd somewhere, will u use body language? how about if u wanna ask about the price of food or cloth or fish or something primer in ur life?
will it work with body language?
i think NOPE. of course we do communication in language..
why english is important?
i am sure that everybody knows about the answer.
english is international language..
even u go to china, japan, republic of hongo, south africa, france, etc , if u can speak english, u can communicate with them. trust me :D
english is everywhere...
well, not the least of our, wanna study overseas.. go abroad..
of course we need ENGLIsH.
even one if the requirements is TOEFL test.
as smart as us, if we cant speak english, that's none..
i said like this is not because i am smart and i can speak english fluently..
i just wanna remind u that english is important nowadays..
wanna realize u..
before it come late..
indeed, there is no words "LATE" to learn everything.
but can u imagine, the longer, we are getting older. and our ability to remember will be more sluggish.
and it's difficult to remember all of wordz in english..
i have the weakness.
i am not capable in speaking..
ooooh.. i dunno ..
if u think english is difficult, it's WRONG OPINION...
dont think about the difficult..
persuade ur mind that english are easy, fun, ok..
u can learn it by movie (choose eng sub, dont indo sub), game, novels, comics, songs, etc...
me, i`d love to learn it by watching korea japan movies or dramas, eng translation lyrics by Japan korea songs, college books (if that one, i am forced :p ), etc.
but, i found one way to learn english is to be subtitle translator..
recently, i am fad to translate a subtitle from Secret Garden-korea drama. it's fun. i found new vocab that i dunno before.
indeed, it's tired, but when i finished it, i try to upload to mediafire before i shared to indowebster forum.
n first, i dunno how to upload it to mediafire,. i juzt do trial n error.. hehehhe..
n finally i can cope it... i am happppppppyyyyy..
and that was the 1st time i shared my subtittle translation in to forum and made it into hidden thankz form.. huaaaaaa~
and my fatigue went when the other visitors clicked button "thanks" to me.. uaaaaa...
really really fun...
i hope u can find ur own fun style to learn english...
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PROfesoR atau OranG CeRdas sesPEsiEsnya
menurut kamus wikipedia
profesor berarti --> (Latin: "Seseorang yang dikenal oleh publik berprofesi sebagai pakar";Inggris: Professor) (atau prof secara singkat) adalah seorang guru senior, dosen dan/atau peneliti yang biasanya dipekerjakan oleh lembaga-lembaga/institusi pendidikan perguruan tinggi ataupun universitas.
Sebagai pakar, profesor umumnya memiliki empat kewajiban tambahan:
memberi kuliah dan memimpin seminar dalam bidang ilmu yang mereka kuasai baik dalam bidang ilmu murni, sastra, ataupun bidang-bidang yang diterapkan langsung seperti seni rancang (desain), musik, pengobatan, hukum, ataupun bisnis;
melakukan penelitian dalam bidang ilmunya;
Pengabdian pada masyarakat, termasuk konsultatif (baik dalam bidang pemerintahan ataupun bidang-bidang lainnya secara non-profit);
Melatih para akademisi muda/mahasiswa agar mampu membantu menjadi asisten atau bahkan menggantikannya kelak.
Keseimbangan dari empat fungsi ini sangat bergantung pada institusi, tempat (negara), dan waktu. Sebagai contoh, profesor yang mendedikasikan dirinya secara penuh pada penelitian dan ilmu pengetahuandi universitas-universitas di Amerika Serikat (dan universitas-universitas di negara Eropa) dipromosikan untuk mendapat penghargaan utamanya pada bidang ilmu dari subyek penelitiannya.
"Profesor" dapat pula digunakan (utamanya oleh para pelajar di Amerika) sebagai istilah yang lebih sopan untuk seseorang yang memegang gelar kesarjanaan PhD (S3) dari perguruan tinggi, tanpa memperhatikan tingkatan/rating dari perguruan tinggi tersebut.
naaaah, bgmn dengan org cerdas?
well, profesor = org cerdas, right?
tp ga selamanya org cerdas itu profesor..
mari qt tinggalkan meaning2 yg ga jelas itu,,
orang cerdas.... orang pintar.. orang pandai... pengertian di antara ketiganya ga jauh berbeda. beda tipis.
dlm belajar,
ketika qt duduk di bangku SD/MIN, SMP/MTsN, SMA/MAN, bahkan kuliah, qt tentu mencari org yang lebih pintar di kelas untuk belajar, benar bukan?
qt mencari mereka, krn qt menemukan soal2 yg rumit bg qt dan mereka bs menjawabnya sehingga qt menjadi tahu...
ketika qt duduk di bangku perkuliahan, 30% ilmu yg didapat berasal dr dosen. sisanya? cari sendiri doooooonkz.. emg di SMA? sll di suapin ilmu sama guru.. *ooooh, mizz my SMA term*
emang sih belajarnya ga sepadat pas di SMA atopun SMP,
tapi dapetin nilainyaaaaaa. uaaaaaaa~
dateng tiep ari + ngerjain semua tugas + Mid + Final = belum tentu dapet nilai A (itu sii di prodi aq, ntah di prodi yg laen ato bahkan institusi yg laen)
aq melihat, seorang profesor yg ngajar atao doktor ato dosen bergelar S2 ato ORang cerdas, sekelompok orang2 tersebut ketika mereka mengajar, mereka meng-share ilmu mereka dan sgt berguna bg aq. mereka memberikan tugas2 yg kadarnya bs dikerjakan oleh mahasiswa, namun ketika qt uda menyelesaikan semuanya dgn baik, namun nilai A itu ternyata tdk semudah yg qt dapatkan.
terkadang, qt ga usah membicarakan profesor, namun , ketika "org2 pinter" sudah membagikan ilmunya, mereka menganggap qt blm pantas utk mendapatkan nilai A karna nilai itu SEMPURNA, dan qmi belum berhak menerimanya. qmi akan berhak menerimanya ketika usaha "PONTANG PANTING" + dalam waktu yg LAMA. ga cuma dlm wktu 1 semester atau lebih kurang 6 bulan.
ketika uda diakhir semester, aq sebeeeeeeel bukan main...
aq pasti akan berhadapan dgn hal2 spt ini..
ketika aq rasa aq berhak mendapatkannya, ternyata ...
temanku yg lain, psti akan bertanya ttg hal2 itu,,
"cuex, brp nilainya?"
aq SEBEL hrs mengatakannya, bukan krn MALU. namun aq merasa aq mengatakan sesuatu hal harusnya aq BISA mendapatkannya yg lebih BAIK.. fiiiiuuuh~
sama seorg shbt SMA ku yg lain ternyata terkejut ketika tau nilai C yg uda aq peroleh 2 buah selama 3 sem ni, dy sdg berusaha utk tdk mendptkan C
(yaaaaah, ku akui, aq saat ini sedang MARAH!) MAAF
qt semua mmg mempunyai kesulitan qt masing, tapiiiiii,, tolong donkz jangan disamain utk kasus yg ini,,,
bukannya mau mempermudah, tp bljr di institusi lbh yaaaa katakanlah utk memperoleh nilai mudah. dtg tiap hr aja uda menjamin dapat B .. nah qmi, dtg tiap hari blm menjamin dapet C... gilaaaa...
malah kasus temen ku , dtg tiep ari, rutin buat tugas, mid, final, smua dia kerjakan, nah dy malah dpt D, bahkan E..
aq heraaaaan... bukannya E itu utk anak yg jarang dtg, ga ikud mid, ga ikud final, ??
bahkan, utk transparansi nilai aja cuma bs aq rasain di semester SATU,
jangan harap!!!!
kalo qt mintaaaa? aaaah, berabe... kl qt mau minta kejelasan nilai qt knp bs dpt B misalnya, naaaaaaah ati2... qt nya malah terancam dpt C bahkan D... mengerikan!!!!!
knp begitu bobrok sistem pendidikan negara qt?
knp sih, kl emg pantas, ya dikasiii,, jangan ditahan-tahan...
emg sih nilai A itu bak sempurna, tapi utk belajar level 6 bulan dan cuma seminggu sekali, ya apa salahnya. A itu bukan berarti sempurna banget... semuanya ada levelnya masing2 laaa,,
aq kok cerewet bener yaaa. *geleng2 kepala*
aq cuma merasa ga adil aja,,,
ga tau ya mereka kalo aq dan yg sebangsa dgn aq uda DOWN banget..kyk ga ada motivasi utk melanjutkannya lg,,
malah diliad dr sem yg akan dtg, gileeeeeee, makin susah, kesempatan utk dpt nilai2 yg cemerlang agak buram... :O
capek pontang panting, jatuh bangun, banting tulang, tapiiiiiiii~
menurut kamus wikipedia
profesor berarti --> (Latin: "Seseorang yang dikenal oleh publik berprofesi sebagai pakar";Inggris: Professor) (atau prof secara singkat) adalah seorang guru senior, dosen dan/atau peneliti yang biasanya dipekerjakan oleh lembaga-lembaga/institusi pendidikan perguruan tinggi ataupun universitas.
Sebagai pakar, profesor umumnya memiliki empat kewajiban tambahan:
memberi kuliah dan memimpin seminar dalam bidang ilmu yang mereka kuasai baik dalam bidang ilmu murni, sastra, ataupun bidang-bidang yang diterapkan langsung seperti seni rancang (desain), musik, pengobatan, hukum, ataupun bisnis;
melakukan penelitian dalam bidang ilmunya;
Pengabdian pada masyarakat, termasuk konsultatif (baik dalam bidang pemerintahan ataupun bidang-bidang lainnya secara non-profit);
Melatih para akademisi muda/mahasiswa agar mampu membantu menjadi asisten atau bahkan menggantikannya kelak.
Keseimbangan dari empat fungsi ini sangat bergantung pada institusi, tempat (negara), dan waktu. Sebagai contoh, profesor yang mendedikasikan dirinya secara penuh pada penelitian dan ilmu pengetahuandi universitas-universitas di Amerika Serikat (dan universitas-universitas di negara Eropa) dipromosikan untuk mendapat penghargaan utamanya pada bidang ilmu dari subyek penelitiannya.
"Profesor" dapat pula digunakan (utamanya oleh para pelajar di Amerika) sebagai istilah yang lebih sopan untuk seseorang yang memegang gelar kesarjanaan PhD (S3) dari perguruan tinggi, tanpa memperhatikan tingkatan/rating dari perguruan tinggi tersebut.
naaaah, bgmn dengan org cerdas?
well, profesor = org cerdas, right?
tp ga selamanya org cerdas itu profesor..
mari qt tinggalkan meaning2 yg ga jelas itu,,
orang cerdas.... orang pintar.. orang pandai... pengertian di antara ketiganya ga jauh berbeda. beda tipis.
dlm belajar,
ketika qt duduk di bangku SD/MIN, SMP/MTsN, SMA/MAN, bahkan kuliah, qt tentu mencari org yang lebih pintar di kelas untuk belajar, benar bukan?
qt mencari mereka, krn qt menemukan soal2 yg rumit bg qt dan mereka bs menjawabnya sehingga qt menjadi tahu...
ketika qt duduk di bangku perkuliahan, 30% ilmu yg didapat berasal dr dosen. sisanya? cari sendiri doooooonkz.. emg di SMA? sll di suapin ilmu sama guru.. *ooooh, mizz my SMA term*
emang sih belajarnya ga sepadat pas di SMA atopun SMP,
tapi dapetin nilainyaaaaaa. uaaaaaaa~
dateng tiep ari + ngerjain semua tugas + Mid + Final = belum tentu dapet nilai A (itu sii di prodi aq, ntah di prodi yg laen ato bahkan institusi yg laen)
aq melihat, seorang profesor yg ngajar atao doktor ato dosen bergelar S2 ato ORang cerdas, sekelompok orang2 tersebut ketika mereka mengajar, mereka meng-share ilmu mereka dan sgt berguna bg aq. mereka memberikan tugas2 yg kadarnya bs dikerjakan oleh mahasiswa, namun ketika qt uda menyelesaikan semuanya dgn baik, namun nilai A itu ternyata tdk semudah yg qt dapatkan.
terkadang, qt ga usah membicarakan profesor, namun , ketika "org2 pinter" sudah membagikan ilmunya, mereka menganggap qt blm pantas utk mendapatkan nilai A karna nilai itu SEMPURNA, dan qmi belum berhak menerimanya. qmi akan berhak menerimanya ketika usaha "PONTANG PANTING" + dalam waktu yg LAMA. ga cuma dlm wktu 1 semester atau lebih kurang 6 bulan.
ketika uda diakhir semester, aq sebeeeeeeel bukan main...
aq pasti akan berhadapan dgn hal2 spt ini..
ketika aq rasa aq berhak mendapatkannya, ternyata ...
temanku yg lain, psti akan bertanya ttg hal2 itu,,
"cuex, brp nilainya?"
aq SEBEL hrs mengatakannya, bukan krn MALU. namun aq merasa aq mengatakan sesuatu hal harusnya aq BISA mendapatkannya yg lebih BAIK.. fiiiiuuuh~
sama seorg shbt SMA ku yg lain ternyata terkejut ketika tau nilai C yg uda aq peroleh 2 buah selama 3 sem ni, dy sdg berusaha utk tdk mendptkan C
(yaaaaah, ku akui, aq saat ini sedang MARAH!) MAAF
qt semua mmg mempunyai kesulitan qt masing, tapiiiiii,, tolong donkz jangan disamain utk kasus yg ini,,,
bukannya mau mempermudah, tp bljr di institusi lbh yaaaa katakanlah utk memperoleh nilai mudah. dtg tiap hr aja uda menjamin dapat B .. nah qmi, dtg tiap hari blm menjamin dapet C... gilaaaa...
malah kasus temen ku , dtg tiep ari, rutin buat tugas, mid, final, smua dia kerjakan, nah dy malah dpt D, bahkan E..
aq heraaaaan... bukannya E itu utk anak yg jarang dtg, ga ikud mid, ga ikud final, ??
bahkan, utk transparansi nilai aja cuma bs aq rasain di semester SATU,
jangan harap!!!!
kalo qt mintaaaa? aaaah, berabe... kl qt mau minta kejelasan nilai qt knp bs dpt B misalnya, naaaaaaah ati2... qt nya malah terancam dpt C bahkan D... mengerikan!!!!!
knp begitu bobrok sistem pendidikan negara qt?
knp sih, kl emg pantas, ya dikasiii,, jangan ditahan-tahan...
emg sih nilai A itu bak sempurna, tapi utk belajar level 6 bulan dan cuma seminggu sekali, ya apa salahnya. A itu bukan berarti sempurna banget... semuanya ada levelnya masing2 laaa,,
aq kok cerewet bener yaaa. *geleng2 kepala*
aq cuma merasa ga adil aja,,,
ga tau ya mereka kalo aq dan yg sebangsa dgn aq uda DOWN banget..kyk ga ada motivasi utk melanjutkannya lg,,
malah diliad dr sem yg akan dtg, gileeeeeee, makin susah, kesempatan utk dpt nilai2 yg cemerlang agak buram... :O
capek pontang panting, jatuh bangun, banting tulang, tapiiiiiiii~
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Cuex 親切光
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new 2011 .. a Letter for MoM
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
a year went by so fast. I have not had time to even breathe the air.
seconds. minutes. hours. days. weeks. months. years.
wah. gee ..
what I've done one year ago?
had I done what I should do?
or maybe I have not finished what I should do.
I was negligent. I put off work that I should do.
what the hell have I been doing?
I was really stupid.
time will never come back.
I will not be able to do the things I had previously delayed.
why regret always comes too late?
hhhuuuuhh ..
now, just instropection can I do. and hope I can do what I should do well.
hope that God always forgives me at every step.
to my beloved mother, why you do not want to talk to me? had I done something that hurt you? please tell me, mom.
do not you set aside. I am your daughter.
why you can not understand me, O my beloved mother?
why you do not like me, O mother who I love?
why you see me with eyes like that, O mother who I love?
why do you blame me with what happened in the house, O mother who I love?
why any problems that arise, it is always connected with me?
You do not ever blame me with words. however, all that implied. but you ever once blamed me, and do you know? then, my mental fall to the earth's core. how can a mother who I love and I respect to do that?
I was shocked. very surprised.
mother .. you are a woman who really I love. Did not you know, what I achieved and I'm tired right now is for our future life?
I may not tell anyone, but trust me, mother. I'm trying my best. I beg you, I was always supportive, please support me so that I am strong. because actually, I am weak, O mother.
mother. your name is always there in my every pray.
mother. hopefully we stay in the way of Allah.
until we die, we remain in God's way.
and God will arrange a meeting for us later in his heaven, amen>. <
Do not be sad mom, remember God's promise. I love you wholeheartedly..
hugs and kisses,
your daughter :)
seconds. minutes. hours. days. weeks. months. years.
wah. gee ..
what I've done one year ago?
had I done what I should do?
or maybe I have not finished what I should do.
I was negligent. I put off work that I should do.
what the hell have I been doing?
I was really stupid.
time will never come back.
I will not be able to do the things I had previously delayed.
why regret always comes too late?
hhhuuuuhh ..
now, just instropection can I do. and hope I can do what I should do well.
hope that God always forgives me at every step.
to my beloved mother, why you do not want to talk to me? had I done something that hurt you? please tell me, mom.
do not you set aside. I am your daughter.
why you can not understand me, O my beloved mother?
why you do not like me, O mother who I love?
why you see me with eyes like that, O mother who I love?
why do you blame me with what happened in the house, O mother who I love?
why any problems that arise, it is always connected with me?
You do not ever blame me with words. however, all that implied. but you ever once blamed me, and do you know? then, my mental fall to the earth's core. how can a mother who I love and I respect to do that?
I was shocked. very surprised.
mother .. you are a woman who really I love. Did not you know, what I achieved and I'm tired right now is for our future life?
I may not tell anyone, but trust me, mother. I'm trying my best. I beg you, I was always supportive, please support me so that I am strong. because actually, I am weak, O mother.
mother. your name is always there in my every pray.
mother. hopefully we stay in the way of Allah.
until we die, we remain in God's way.
and God will arrange a meeting for us later in his heaven, amen>. <
Do not be sad mom, remember God's promise. I love you wholeheartedly..
hugs and kisses,
your daughter :)
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Cuex 親切光
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