well,, communication...
language is bridge of communication.
if u wanna go to odd somewhere, will u use body language? how about if u wanna ask about the price of food or cloth or fish or something primer in ur life?
will it work with body language?
i think NOPE. of course we do communication in language..
why english is important?
i am sure that everybody knows about the answer.
english is international language..
even u go to china, japan, republic of hongo, south africa, france, etc , if u can speak english, u can communicate with them. trust me :D
english is everywhere...
well, not the least of our, wanna study overseas.. go abroad..
of course we need ENGLIsH.
even one if the requirements is TOEFL test.
as smart as us, if we cant speak english, that's none..
i said like this is not because i am smart and i can speak english fluently..
i just wanna remind u that english is important nowadays..
wanna realize u..
before it come late..
indeed, there is no words "LATE" to learn everything.
but can u imagine, the longer, we are getting older. and our ability to remember will be more sluggish.
and it's difficult to remember all of wordz in english..
i have the weakness.
i am not capable in speaking..
ooooh.. i dunno ..
if u think english is difficult, it's WRONG OPINION...
dont think about the difficult..
persuade ur mind that english are easy, fun, ok..
u can learn it by movie (choose eng sub, dont indo sub), game, novels, comics, songs, etc...
me, i`d love to learn it by watching korea japan movies or dramas, eng translation lyrics by Japan korea songs, college books (if that one, i am forced :p ), etc.
but, i found one way to learn english is to be subtitle translator..
recently, i am fad to translate a subtitle from Secret Garden-korea drama. it's fun. i found new vocab that i dunno before.
indeed, it's tired, but when i finished it, i try to upload to mediafire before i shared to indowebster forum.
n first, i dunno how to upload it to mediafire,. i juzt do trial n error.. hehehhe..
n finally i can cope it... i am happppppppyyyyy..
and that was the 1st time i shared my subtittle translation in to forum and made it into hidden thankz form.. huaaaaaa~
and my fatigue went when the other visitors clicked button "thanks" to me.. uaaaaa...
really really fun...
i hope u can find ur own fun style to learn english...
Senin, 24 Januari 2011
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